I hope everyone is enjoying their Summer and taking some time to recharge batteries to get ready for what I know will be an exciting and eventful Fall semester at Salus. We're well into our Strategic Planning process having just completed a very in-depth environmental scan of our constituencies. We learned a great deal about how the University is perceived by all. The majority of the input we received was consistent with the information I was able to learn during my "100 Days of Listening" when I first arrived at Salus. Given today's healthcare delivery landscape we have unparalleled opportunities to not only influence the debate on healthcare but also to revolutionize health science education at the graduate level. As we move forward in our planning process many of you will be asked to participate in focus groups to help ensure we move Salus in the right direction. One of my basic tenants as we develop our plan is to ensure we're pushing ourselves beyond traditional boundaries and thinking well outside the box. I know you're up to that challenge!
Concurrently, we're also getting very close to launching a new website and branding initiative that has the potential to "change the look" of Salus from our current fonts and colors to something a little bolder and different. Again, many of you will be asked to give us your opinions on this before any decisions are made. As we get ready to welcome our incoming class in a couple of weeks, our marketing and branding contractors are preparing to test many of the proposed themes, logos and colors with them in addition to surveying our current students, alumni and others.
I look forward to seeing you all around campus (both Elkins Park and Oak Lane) as we open a new chapter in the book of Salus! I hope you enjoy the remainder of your Summer.