Monday, October 21, 2013

It's been about a week since I last posted so I thought it was time to hit the keyboard again.  I'm currently headed towards Seattle at 35K feet...isn't technology great!   Last week Tanis and I had the honor and pleasure of representing Salus at the Wills Eye Glaucoma Service 50th Anniversery celebration.  It was quite an event that highlighted the accomplishments of the Service, particularly those of Dr. George Spaeth, who has served as a teacher and mentor to many of the glaucoma specialists we all work with.  What struck me was that with all the accomplishments of the service, it really relies on an integrated health system to generate referrals, provide follow-up and really optimize the expertise that's concentrated at Wills.  Clearly, we are a part of that and are currently working with the Glaucoma Service Foundation to build some concrete bridges that will serve our patients, students and institutions well.  I'm extremely excited about the prospects of working closer with our neighbors.  With the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act knocking at all of our doorsteps, it's going to be exceedingly important to leverage primary care assets (clearly, a strong point for us at Salus) to ensure patients receive the right level of care they need in a timely and affordable fashion.  As we move Salus into more of an integrated health system, I envision us being central to the discussions that will begin to develop.  It's an exciting time to part of this great team!  I'm working on an expose to discuss my thoughts on our American healthcare system and plan on posting some of that on the blog in the near future.  In the meantime, have a great week.  I'll see some of you a the American Academy of Optometry meeting this week.  Cheers for now.

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