Friday, May 24, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend Message

Students, Faculty, Residents, Staff, Alumni, Board Members and Friends,

I’d like to once again congratulate all of our graduates and their families. I’d also like to take the opportunity to thank all those faculty, staff and board members who participated in yesterday’s fantastic event. Special thanks to Dr. Jim Caldwell and Shannon Boss and their staffs for ensuring all the “I's” were dotted and “T's” were crossed for the ceremony. I think everyone who had the opportunity to hear Dr. Catania’s remarks had a “significant emotional event” (SEE) and will remember his pearls of wisdom. At least I hope so!

As we approach Memorial Day weekend it’s important to remember that throughout our history, starting with the American Revolution, through the horrible devastation of the Civil War, through World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm and today those still fighting in Afghanistan and other places, more than a million American service members have made the ultimate sacrifice to help secure the absolute blessings of liberty for the United States and our allies globally. 

I ask you all pause to remember those who gave their last measure of full devotion so we could enjoy ceremonies like yesterday’s graduation and all those other freedoms our democracy enables. Memorial Day is not just about sales and a long weekend. With our fast and busy lifestyles, many traditions have been lost over the years that neglect to remind us of this truly important Day of Remembrance. 

Originally established in 1868, Memorial Day should serve as a day to remember those that died while serving our nation. To that end, please take a moment to remember those brave and honorable women and men who gave their lives so we all could be free, and if you know a person serving on Active Duty or who is a Veteran, please thank them for their service.

Have a great weekend.


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