Friday, October 23, 2020

Plan to Vote: Week of October 23rd, 2020

Students, Faculty, Residents, Staff, Alumni, Board Members and Friends,

Good morning from Elkins Park where our faculty, students and staff continue to work hard to teach, learn and support our health science educational mission. It’s been another busy week on campus as we successfully navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic and providing virtual and in-person classes and labs in addition to delivering our optometry, audiology and speech-language pathology clinical services.

VOTING PREPARATION: Election Day is a little more than a week away and voting is underway in many parts of the country. In Pennsylvania, mail-in ballots can be dropped off at many locations around us. As we approach November 3rd, I highly encourage all of you who have not already either mailed in or dropped off your ballots to begin to plan ahead. No matter where you go on Election Day, lines will be long either voting in person or dropping off a ballot. More than likely, voting will take longer than in previous elections which certainly can impact your academic or clinical schedules. As a courtesy to others, please notify the school of your intentions ahead of time so no one has to cover your shift or you miss a required assignment that could have been rescheduled prior. We want everyone to have the opportunity to vote.

DEI LUNCH AND LEARN: The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee will host a Lunch & Learn event at noon Wednesday, Oct. 28, featuring Janet LaBreck, who was the Commissioner of the Rehabilitation Services Administration under President Barack Obama and co-founder of Synergy Consulting Partners. That group is dedicated to creating positive change within organizations and systems, with a commitment of full inclusion for individuals with disabilities. The link for the remote access will be sent via email prior to the event.

IMPORTANCE OF PRONOUNS: International Pronouns Day, celebrated earlier this week, seeks to make respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns commonplace. Referring to people by the pronouns they determine for themselves is basic to human dignity. Being referred to by the wrong pronouns particularly affects transgender and gender nonconforming people. Together, we can transform society to celebrate people’s multiple, intersecting identities.

STUTTERING AWARENESS DAY: Stuttering Awareness Day raises awareness in our own communities and joins with other organizations to educate the public and reach those who stutter who still feel alone and isolated. The Speech-Language Institute (SLI) of Salus University offers comprehensive evaluation services and treatment plans for stuttering. To read more about “Stuttering Facts vs. Myths,” click here.

FINAL THOUGHTS: There is arguably no more important civic duty than exercising your right to vote. Given the challenges that our country is currently experiencing, this is especially true this year. So please make arrangements to either vote by mail or in person. If you do vote in person, please remember we still are in the middle of a pandemic and you will need to take appropriate precautions that include wearing your face mask, socially distancing while standing in lines and washing your hands when you’re done.

Finally, it's going to be a relatively nice weekend, so please try to get out and enjoy some of the nice fall weather. The leaves are reaching peak and it’s a great stress relief to get out and enjoy the nice weather. Remember, if you feel like you’d like to talk to one of our CPPD counselors you can make an appointment here.

Please continue to socially distance, wear your face masks, wash your hands frequently and keep in mind that what you do off campus directly affects all of us on campus. Be safe, be smart, remain SALUS STRONG!


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