Friday, July 12, 2024

Focusing on Our Core Mission: Week of July 12, 2024

Dear Students, Faculty, Residents, Staff, Alumni, Current and Former Board Members and Friends,

Good morning on a little cooler, rainy day in Elkins Park!  It’s been another busy week on campus as our PCO Scholars and Taiwanese students are fully engaged in their programs, and we kicked off our Summer Enrichment Program with nine new PCO students.  Here are some other things that may interest you:

SLP ALUMNA OF THE YEAR: When she was in high school, Lauren Bevan, MS ‘17, babysat for a woman who worked as a speech-language pathologist (SLP). The woman suggested that even at that young age, Lauren would be a great fit for this profession. Turns out she was right. And now she’s the Alumni Association’s 2024 SLP Alumna of the Year. Read more about Lauren here.

CHUNG SHAN STUDENTS HERE: Undergraduate Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology students from Chung Shan Medical University (CSMU) in Taiwan are on campus for much of July for lectures, hands-on training and clinical observations. In addition, they will engage in academic field trips and cultural excursions. Our students are hosted by the division of Global, Interprofessional and Specialized Programming (GISP). Bob Serianni from SLP and Jonette Owen from Osborne Audiology are coordinating the academic elements of the program. Look for a future story on our website about the students’ experiences.

FINAL THOUGHTS As we continue to celebrate the successful completion of the first phase of our merger with Drexel University, I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to each of you for your dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment to getting over the finish line. This milestone represents a significant achievement and a testament to our collective efforts, resilience and strategic vision for our programs.

While we can take pride in what we've accomplished to date, it’s important to recognize that there is still much work ahead. The path we are forging together requires us to adapt to new processes, embrace change, and navigate the complexities of integrating into a larger institution. This may be challenging at times, but it also offers a great deal of promise.

It’s essential that we remain focused on our core mission: educating and empowering our students. They are the heart of our institution, and their success is our priority. By taking one day at a time, not sweating the small stuff and approaching each new task with a positive mindset, we can ensure that these additional efforts will pave the way for a brighter future for our students and our combined institution. 

I understand that the additional work required during this transition can be demanding and time consuming. However, I firmly believe that our collective efforts are well worth the time and energy invested. Together, we are building a stronger, more dynamic institution that will offer greater opportunities and resources for our students, faculty, and staff.

I encourage you to continue to support one another, celebrate our progress, and stay committed to our shared vision – the “WHY.” Your perseverance, creativity, and dedication are the driving forces behind our success, and I am confident that we will overcome any challenges that come our way.

While the weather is forecast to be a bit cooler this weekend, it’s still going to be warm, so please ensure you’re drinking plenty of water and stay hydrated, especially if exercising outdoors.  I want to ensure everyone remains healthy and SALUS AT DREXEL STRONG!

- Mike

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